Δευτέρα 23 Μαΐου 2011

eating habits

iEat slowly; chew your food well 
It takes 20 minutes before your stomach sends a clear message to your brain that you're full.

If you take the time to chew your food well, you will find you end up eating less. Ideally, you should have smaller, frequent meals as opposed to larger,
 infrequent ones.

iiEat more

If you want to lose weight, starving yourself does not help -- you need to eat well

iiiEat less red meat
Red meats are high in saturated fat and should be avoided by people with high cholesterol.

Chicken and fish are the best meats to consume.
Fish is better than chicken because it has antioxidants. Antioxidants are organic substances that include vitamins C, E, A and carotenoids; carotenoids add pigment to some fruits and vegetables. For instance, carrots wouldn't be orange without them. Beta-carotenoid is the most popular of carotenoids. Antioxidants help prevent cancer, heart disease and stroke.

These meats can be baked, grilled or roasted. Frying will add unnecessary fat.

ivPrevent constipation 
Add fibre to your diet; this adds bulk to your food and prevents constipation. Whole grain foods like oatmeal, bran, wheat germ, brown rice, fruits (especially with their skin), prunes (dried plums), etc, are all good sources of fibre. Home remedies for constipation including the following:

~ Have guavas with the seeds.

~ Have honey in a glass of milk twice a day.

~ Have one tablespoon of corn syrup in a glass of water. Corn syrup is actually corn starch, which is primarily glucose. It is used in making candies, jams and jellies because it does not crystallise like sugar. Corn syrup is available in any well-stocked supermarket.

vHave onion and garlic 
Onion decreases blood pressure and garlic decreases cholesterol. Any amount and form of onion and garlic will give you the benefits of their properties, but a raw garlic clove taken on an empty stomach in the morning is the best.

viUse less salt in your cooking 
Use minimum amount of salt for cooking if you have high blood pressure. Salt also causes water retention. This means your body will retain water if it is not receiving enough.

After all, it still has to carry on the normal functioning of the organs and, if you are not drinking enough H2O, then the body starts keeping it.

Water being taken in other forms, such as, soups, dals, drinks, etc, is retained for later use. Bloating and puffiness are all signs of water retention.

viiHave calcium-rich foods
Use skimmed or double-toned milk and milk products as these contain less fat. Double-toned milk has lesser fat than toned or full cream milk.

In the non-packaged variety, cow's milk is just as good as skimmed milk; it is definitely better than buffaloes' milk as the latter contains large amounts of fat. You should have between one and two glasses of milk a day.

Other sources of calcium and protein can be taken instead of milk, if one is allergic to it. Calcium rich foods include almonds, figs, red kidney beans (rajma), mustard greens (sarson ka saag), etc. Proteins can be found in meats, sprouts, soya, dals, etc.

viiiSwitch from maida to whole grainsReplace maida products with whole grains, whole wheat, soya breads, etc, as these have a good amount of fibre; fibre helps in binding cholesterol, which helps in less production of bad cholesterol. Whole grain foods like oatmeal, bran, wheat germ and brown rice, fruits, especially with skins, prunes, etc, are all good sources of fibre.

Too much fibre may cause loose stools, so you have to monitor your individual intake accordingly. Medically, approximately 25 gm of fibre a day is enough to help maintain your digestive system.

A good indicator: four slices of brown bread contains five grams of fibre; so does one large banana or orange.

ixHave foods that contain iron
These include red meats, especially liver, fruits like watermelon and pomegranate, vegetables like spinach, beans, beets and broccoli, whole grains, dried fruits, especially prunes, sunflower seeds, etc.

xRelish the flavours

You may have heard some of these before. But the best good food habit, which we all seem to overlook, is to actually taste and enjoy the flavour of the food with your emotions instead of just your tongue. 

empire mag

Harry Potter and the deathly hallows part 2

caramel ice-cream

Caramel Ice Cream Recipe

caramel ice cream recipe
Philadelphia Style
Prep Time: 25 minutes
Chill Time: 2 hours
Ice Cream Maker Time: Approximately 25-30 minutes
Servings: Ten 1/2 cup servings
1 cup granulated sugar
1 cup milk
2 cups heavy whipping cream
If you don't have an ice cream maker, click here.
Place sugar in a large heavy saucepan (the saucepan must be large!).
Cook sugar over medium heat, stirring constantly until sugar melts into a liquid and turns a golden brown color.

10 best ways to enjoy your summer season !!!......

10. Going to a Beach

Think of all the good things you can do at a beach. Beach is anywhere you can found a body of water surrounded by sand. You can play volleyball, build castles out of sand and lie on the sand under the sun. It is fun guys!

9. Popsicle

Yes, you are absolutely wrong at guessing what Popsicle is. It is actually a frozen fruit juice and you can enjoy while sitting outside in the sun. For those who are planning to lose weight this summer, it is a low in calories and you can take in as much as you want.

8. Getting Tanned

 We are living in an era of extreme recession worldwide. So, we should not be wasting money on artificial or fake tans when we have a golden opportunity to avail the same benefit from the natural sun. After all, natural is natural and it cannot be tantamount to something artificial. Here we go sun!

7.What about catching fireflies

Fireflies also love to come out in the summer season to enjoy. But watch out flies! There are some little children out there to catch you and put you in jars. This is one of the exciting things you can do in summer.

6. Hot season and cold water

When you are feeling hot, there must be something to cool down your body and this must be something apart from taking regular shower. The activity which I am going to tell you is both fun and exciting. Yes ! it is the water balloon fight. You can live your childhood again guys so gather your friends and start filling balloons with water. Remember to fill up balloons with cold water folks or else the game is over for you.

5. Riding a Tandem Bike

Take your tandem bike out in the sun and enjoy the scenery. But, this enjoyment is multiplied by zero if you don’t have friends with you. With some jolly and fun-loving friends, you are going to have a fun of your lifetime.

4. Camping time

Camping out in the middle of the woods in summer season is a phenomenal activity and it is equally enjoyable for both adults and kids.

3. Swimming

How can swimming be forgotten in the summers? Definitely one of the best enjoyments for people of all age groups. It doesn’t matter that whether you have your set of swimming goggles or not, just go in there and have fun. Just remember that you should know how to swim!

2. Call it a Sick day

Ok guys enough of all the monotony of daily job tasks. Get prepared to get sick for some days at least because your boss is already somewhere where you won’t find him in the best of his professional behavior. Yes of course, he is enjoying somewhere at a beach with his girlfriend and sipping on beer. Go join him and give him a nice company. The boss always needs his employees to be around him!

1. Host a Bonfire

Make your backyard full of life by hosting a bonfire there. Invite all your friends and have lots of fun. Share your personal experiences and other interesting incidents amidst a dark night. You can also listen to your favorite music and rock the dance floor (the area around the fire)!

Have a nice summer